Hot Dog

Best. Hotdogs. Ever.


It was unanimous.  Last night both boys agreed that the hotdogs they serve at the Aston Skate Palace, you know the ones that have been sitting under the heat lamp for hours before being dropped onto a stale bun, are superior to all other wieners.  And, BTW, if you are ranking hotdogs, the next best hot dogs are served at summer camp, followed by baseball games, the SCHOOL CAFETERIA, and last and definitely least, the ones we serve at home, a.k.a. Hebrew National franks (shown above) which supposedly are of the highest quality, if price is any sign of quality.


Now I could rage on my children for their unsophisticated palates or lament the fact that I can’t even cook frigging hotdogs right but you know what?  They are absolutely right.


Some foods are best eaten “on location”.  Quality goes out the window in exchange for experience.  That is why, for me:

  • The best french fries are the ones eaten in the car as you pull away from the drive-thru window.
  • Bud Lite is refreshingly quencing at hot summer barbeques.
  • Fried clams taste almost nutritious when eaten off a paper plate at Flo’s Clamshack in Newport RI.
  • Pancakes at diners on Sunday mornings are perfect every time.
  • The bigger the mug, the better the coffee.
  • Ski lodge chili is incredibly savory. 
  • Plain old sandwiches are tastier when I am eating at my mother’s dining room table.

And yes, as Chase so eloquently articulated to me last night, hot dogs are “so much better when they come off that spinny-thingy.”


Bon Appetit!

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