Yesterday my friend Caroline and I sold our vintage goods at an outdoor market on the Main Line.  Buyers went wild for her 1960s clothing and collectibles. 

As for me, it turns out that all I should have brought to the sale was my display of vintage classroom posters and flashcards.  These were far and away my biggest sellers.

As another vendor told me two weeks ago, “People love words.”  This woman creates jewelry using glass bubbles, into which she embeds letters and words cuts from vintage books.  Time and again, she sees people drawn to certain nouns and verbs.

And so it was with my half of the booth yesterday.  One couple bought a flashcard reading “SUCH GOOD CAKE.”  The wife is famous for bringing cakes to dinner parties, and her husband is going to walk in behind her carrying the card like a sign.

Someone else bought a flashcard reading “MOM SAW.”  When placed strategically in the house, this will help her image as an all-powerful, omniscient being.

A young woman bought a poster reading THE BOY WAS WELL BRED.  WHITE BREAD IS GOOD FOR YOU.  This outdated and false statement will be framed for her kitchen wall.

Many cards and posters remain in my stash.  Here is a quick look at some of my personal favorites:

Hope you all have a great week, full of words of wit and wisdom.

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