You might remember that back in December, our friend Patrick King had been commissioned to produce a painting for Greg Graffin, founder and lead singer of the seminal punk band Bad Religion as well as author of the upcoming Anarchy Evolution, coming this fall from Harper Collins.
The painting was to show a scene in front of Graffin’s childhood home. Two specific things were sought: a kid, aged 12-13, and a certain kind of Schwinn banana seat bike.
Patrick put the word out on Facebook, and Chris responded – we have the kid. And then, thanks to Ian’s connections in the bike world, we also realized we knew where to find the Holy Grail bike. On a rainy, dreary day, we took the kid and the bike to Patrick’s studio so he could take photos.
Over the next few months, the painter turned into a sleuth and an architect. Here’s how Graffin’s house looks now:
Here’s how it looked when new:
And here’s how Patrick figured out the perspective:
A little photoshop action for positioning:
And voila, the finished painting:
Now, a mere six months later, Malcolm’s hair is as overgrown as those trees in front of the house. In his most recent artistic sitting, at a friend’s Bar Mitzvah, his new look was captured:
While I don’t know who the cartoon artist was, you can see more of Patrick’s work here: