Meet the three new breeds that have just been accepted into the American Kennel Club, shown here with Wayne Ferguson, president of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia.  From left:  Irish Red and White Setter, Pyrenean Shepherd, and Norwegian Buhund.   Kind of a European Union of dogdom. 

Actually, the Norwegian Buhund is hardly a “new” breed – it has been traced back to the year 900, apparently depicted in ancient drawings as a companion dog to marauding Vikings.   But for the first time, these breeds will be judged in the KCP Dog Shows, so we trotted them out at a press conference last week.

And now, meet the three winners of our dog show ticket contest!  They were chosen randomly, because all the judges who were supposed to select the winning comments were busy watching the Phillies win last night until way past bedtime.  

Congratulations to:  Laila, Deirdre, and Theresa!  Send me your preferred mailing address – jennifer(at)

All of your stories and contributions were great.  I loved reading about how much you love your furry children, and the backstory of how you got them, where you got them, why you got them, why you love them, why dogs are better than cats, why cats are better than dogs, and how you share your lives with them.   All your stories were great, and made me wish we had a dog!  Or a cat!  Now where will I ever find one?

You can continue to enjoy “dog scratch fever,” if you want, by sending a photo of your dog and your caption of what you think he/she is thinking, to our Voice of Dog blog.

That’s Emily’s pug Mo, featured in the dishwasher.

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