
If I didn’t know that today was Jennifer’s 51st birthday, I would never have guessed it.  That is why, among a few other reasons, I never joined the traveling carnival as the age guesser.  The carnival would have lost big time.  But seriously, if I saw Jennifer on the street and was asked how old she was, I would have said “uh…younger than me”.  If you promised me that I would be as cool and good looking when I was 51, I wouldn’t worry so much about it.  Age is kinder to some – Jennifer is one of those wenches people.

So, in honor of Jennifer’s birthday, I am asking all MoB readers to leave a little birthday comment for my amazing blogging partner today — with well wishes and your personal answer to the following fill in the blank:

I am ___  years old.  Most days I feel physically  ___  years old and emotionally ___ years old.

No pressure readers but I would LOVE to get 51 comments in honor of Jennifer.  That means that all you lurkers will have to come out from behind the safety of your anonymous screens and weigh in., which BTW you can do so anonymously.  I’ll start the bidding below. 

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

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