Camp Pickup Day 2009


I never thought I would be one of “those parents” who sends their kids away to sleep away camp.  Surely, anyone who could part with their darling cherubs for longer than a few days must NOT LOVE THEM.  Right?  Wrong.  We love our kids.  We did it.  We survived.  Might I venture to say we thrived?  Maybe at different points during the summer there was some thriving going on.  We surthrived.

I was convinced camp was worth trying when three different mothers who I don’t think are crazy psycho-moms admire and trust gave me the same great story about the camp system where Noah and Chase went.   Rachel, Beth and Al – you were right about everything.  Thank you.

The boys had a terrific summer.  Noah learned a ton of completely inappropriate words, jokes, stories and who knows what else.  I suspect, though it hasn’t been confirmed by any physical evidence, that he acquired a girlfriend.  Chase came home with a quiet air of confidence that I had not seen in him before.  He bragged about the late night bunk raids they did.  Both boys know the Birkat Ha-Mazon from start to finish, which is the world’s longest prayer said after a meal.  In Hebrew.  (Well, maybe it’s not the longest but it is really long – and I don’t know it, leaving me feel very un-Jewish.)  I am so proud of them – not for loving camp, but for trying it.  I think they are proud, too.

For four weeks, we outsourced our children to another provider.  It wasn’t selfish; we didn’t feel the need to get rid of them.  We wanted to give them an experience that would make them happy and make them grow.  Mission accomplished.

As bedtime approached in the evening of their arrival home, I hesitated before starting the process of reinstating my authority.

Uh, fellas, it’s 9:30.  Time for bed.

 Two sets of eyes roll.

 Mom, we go to bed at 10 or 10:30 now.

 Yeah, I’m like totally NOT tired.

And it was then I realized that it was I who was outsourced this summer.  As I fretted for weeks as to whether or not they would be able to forgive me for giving them up, they were happily embracing a new boss, possibly more than one, who taught them that there are other human beings in the world capable of watching after them, and doing a pretty darn good job along the way.   

I can only hope they give me my job back soon.

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