Happy Monday MoB readers!  When Jennifer told me that she was leaving Mothers of Brothers, I knew that I didn’t want to continue solo.  I want to keep the site fresh and funny and poignant, but being that way three times each week would probably cause my family to disown me. I get grumpy when I’m funny.  That reality suggested sharing the space with other fresh, funny and poignant writers.

So I’m so pleased to tell you that one of the first writers that came to my mind to post here at MoB has accepted my plea.  I am even more pleased to tell you that she is president (because I said so) of the MoD Sqaud!  In other words, she is a Mother of Daughters!

Over the last three years, there have been many MoD readers here.  They have put up with talks of Nerf guns, skateboards, video games and bodily functions completely unbecoming to the female persuasion.  I thank you all for your loyalty and patience and have a surprise for you.

It is my privilege to introduce you to Jessie who is one of the funniest, most talented writers I have had the privilege to meet in the last few years.  For every friend of hers who told her she really needs to blog, I’m happy to say, I agree and I’m thrilled to have her here at Mothers of Brothers.  If she can stand the brutal pace and emotional drain of weekly blogging, you will see her words here often.  And if that comes to pass, we will consider a name extension to be sure.

But for now please join me in welcoming Jessie and read on…….

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