It is 11:00 p.m. in California which means my body thinks its 2:00 a.m. Before I keel over, I wanted to share with the MoB readers what I actually do for a living. For those who don’t know, I work for the venture capital industry. My organization educates Congress and others on Capitol Hill on the value of venture capital investment. Try explaining that to your kids or grandparents! No wonder I never get asked to go to career day. But I’m making my own career day right here!

I spent most of my summer working on a video that shows what venture capital is, what it isn’t and how it impacts the lives of everyday Americans. I’m really proud of the industry that I represent – and also proud of this video which producing was something totally new for me. We premiered it tonight – and it is now up for the world to see. I think you will enjoy it – check it out.

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