That’s my beautiful niece Logan, age 13, who grabbed every spare minute during the family reunion to read Memoirs of a Geisha.  She even sat in the car while everyone else went on a quick shopping trip so she could finish it.  Logan highly recommends this book, as does my dad.

And speaking of being 13, I’m reading a much lighter book at the moment, called Certain Girls, which I got out of the library.  It’s the latest by Jennifer Weiner (author of Good in Bed and In Her Shoes) and EMILY, you TOTALLY HAVE to read this.  It’s about a Jewish mom in Philadelphia planning her daughter’s bat mitzvah.  It’s set in this day and age, and there’s a big fight over what dress the girl will wear and where the event will be, and it’s very clever and full of witty social commentary, like all of this author’s stuff.

I am also loving this article about the hideous Crocs fad – I’m sorry everyone, but our whole family hates them and has since we saw tons of Canadians wearing them in 2006.  Disclaimer: many people we love wear these clown shoes and we still love them.  The people.

Finally, some of my mid-century vintage linens now on sale on etsy have turned up on a beautiful French blog:  Not to worry, it’s written in English by Deborah, an ex-pat Yorkshire lass.  Just scroll down to EVENING EYE CANDY and COLOUR IN THE KITCHEN.

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