Halloween fast approaches.  I am actually relieved that there are no costume parties looming on our calendar this year.


I am not a “Halloween Person.”  This is one of the huge differences between me and my friend Lindsay.  In many matters, we are in complete accord and agreement.  She loves Halloween – the dressing up, the donning another identity, the wigs and makeup and attire.

When I do that, I just feel stupid.  It must be related to my inability to act on stage, to make up bedtime stories, even to not feel like a fraud while using chopsticks in a Chinese restaurant (I always wonder why we don’t don sombreros in a Mexican joint).

What’s even worse are the rare occasions when I agree to put on a costume and go to a Halloween party, only to have everyone standing around discussing their 401Ks and how crappy their kids’ teachers are.  If you’re going to be “out there” and don a zombie mask or a Johnny Depp pirate costume, don’t talk about your lawn maintenance problems!  Get in character and stay in character! 

Hosts and hostesses can help make this happen by at least orchestrating party games or some other diversion that makes the event festive, and not just another cocktail chat fest.

Meanwhile, there are still people in this house who get excited about Halloween.  Malcolm is planning to go as “swine flu,’ wearing surgical scrubs and a pig nose.  He is all better now and back at school.

As for me, I’m content to stay at home on 10/31.  Fuzzy slippers will be part of my costume.

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