“That thing totally creeps me out.”

That was Dave in early December.  He was watching TV as I was flailing around the house doing something terribly urgent.  But I stopped to see what he was talking about because I couldn’t fathom what could possibly creep my husband out.  This is a man who peeked over the surgical curtain to watch doctors cut me open and take out our children.  He once killed a bat flying around our house with a broom.  He has no problem with the thought of swimming in the Schuylkill River.  What ever it was, it must be horrible.

It was…… The Snuggie.

For those of you who live in a cave haven’t seen the commercial, a Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves.  It falls squarely into the “why didn’t I think of that category”.  However judging by the commercial, anyone who wears one resembles some sort of cult-like, Moonie person, due to the long flowing sleeves and high neck.  It makes Dave shudder.

A few days later, my sister calls and asks what she can possibly get the boys for Hanukah.  Of course, there is only one answer:  The Snuggie.

The cult-like appearance of Snuggie wearers is no coincidence, my fellow MoB readers.  These suckers were on back order for 8 weeks!  Ours finally arrived this week. 


My sister even ordered an extra for me, effectively eliminating all my chances of getting lucky with Dave before the Spring thaw.


I think I even wigged out the dog.

Product Review:  The Snuggie is thin and VERY warm.  However, I’m waiting for the class action lawsuit because it is a one-size-fits-all and, well, one size doesn’t fit little boys.  The number of “be carefuls” in my house has doubled since the Snuggies arrived, as the boys refuse to take them off when they run around or climb steps.  It is only a matter of time. 

The other drawback is the static electricity.  I believe there is enough of this energy in one Snuggie to power a Prius.  The flip side of this inconvenience?  A potential new value proposition for this fad once it inevitably loses it’s product appeal:

“Hey parents!  Kids not behaving?  They never listen to you?  Simply apply the Shock Value Snuggie for three minutes to your child and then let them touch a metal surface of their own choosing!  You’ll see results in no time or you money back! Act now and we’ll throw in a free lava lamp.”

Anyone who wants to get in on this opportunity, give me a call.

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