Maybe it’s a hangover from my meltdown last week.  Or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve yet to advance any of the balls in my court in the right direction this week.  Or perhaps it’s my obsession with getting 450 ice pops to Field Day at 11:15 today without any serious meltage.  Whatever it is, I have been “in a total FUNK” since Monday.  Credit for this term goes directly to my oldest and dearest friend L.K. with whom I have shared countless funks over the last four decades.  It’s more fun to say than cranky.  Try it sometime.

The good news is that there is always a way out of THE FUNK. I tend to try different things and see what sticks – and it’s never the same thing.  Yesterday I took a nice walk in the sunshine to clear my head, had an early glass of wine, and worked out a little harder than I should have – all to no avail.   

It turns out all I needed was a little 60′s style threesome.  I recommend it highly for anyone who finds themselves just a little more than slightly wound.  This Peter, Paul and Mary song always reminds me why I’m here.  It makes me want to drop everything and nuzzle my kids.  I sang it to them every night when they were little.  My Mom sang it to me.  Mmmm.  Warm and fuzzy.

So, if you don’t know about this cool website already, you can go to Grooveshark and play any song, anytime for free.  I can’t think of a better way to lose the funk than to get funky. Oh, and please know that my go-to songs are not all folk tunes from my mother’s record albums.  Sometimes I need to listen to Offspring or Green Day.  It depends on the nature of the FUNK.

So readers, what is the ONE song you like to play to cheer you up?  As a service to you, I’m making the FUNK Emergency MoB play list which I promise to publish by month’s end.  Tell me what I should include. 

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