In response to Elizabeth’s comment on Friday, yes! I will post photos of Easter decorations in the context of a larger display, not just as solo portraits.
CAVEAT: Our old house is unusual in that it has very little display space. No big, deep windowsills (except the end of the windowseat Chris built, where the geranium is). No large mantlepieces or built-in bookshelves. No little corner cupboards.
So I was forced to create a quasi-shrine out of two folding TV tables and my great-grandmother’s linen tablecloth. Here I could make a little tableau, which generated almost ZERO commentary from the males with whom I share a house. Thank heavens for my female in-laws, who always notice and compliment my stabs at holiday decorating.
Despite my no-plastic-grass proclamation here last week, I found some in the attic and pressed it into use. I figure it isn’t cheating if it wasn’t bought brand-new.
When the boys were little and we hid eggs outside, the best place to conceal an orange plastic egg was right inside one of those tulips. It couldn’t contain any heavy candy or the tulip would topple. The display of spring bulbs is still the best Easter decoration in the world, without question.