Contrary to what you might THINK my election day prayer includes, I am NOT asking the Universe to show favor to my candidate today. I figure that I have a limited number of requests allowed and I will use them wisely. (There are plenty of people praying for specific victories for many different camps today; I don’t want my prayer to be drowned out). So here goes:

I pray for a peaceful election. I feel as though this election has been incredibly divisive and I hope that everyone is on their best behavior at the polls. More importantly, I hope that all of the polling locations remain safe from terror. This prayer is difficult to write because the very thought sends chills down my spine. Yet I haven’t heard much about homeland security as it relates to today – and that concerns me.

I pray for a plentiful election. Pundits are predicting record turnouts. I hope everyone who is registered to vote exercises their right to do so. I hope those of you with children bring them along and let them enter the voting booths with you. Tell them how important it is to have a voice. I spent some time registering voters this Fall and the most heartbreaking response to the question: “Are you registered to vote?” was “Nah, I’m not voting – both choices are bad.” I personally think these people should spend some time in a dictatorial country – like, uh, maybe the rest of their lives.

I pray for a proper election. No matter who wins the Presidency, I pray it is by a wide enough margin to eliminate any doubt as to who the real victor is. Please let the winner of the popular vote also be the winner of the electoral vote. Please let all of the polling venues operate efficiently and effectively. I worry about long lines, malfunctioning machines, and voter fraud. I hope the choice the country made is abundantly clear so that we can get moving in the right direction immediately.

Peaceful. Plentiful. Proper.

Hmm. Not a bad prayer for Election Day but perhaps an even better one for our country in the days to come.

The polls are waiting.

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