Overheard between Noah and Chase this week:

Did you ever notice that grandmothers are supposed to be all old and annoying with grey hair – and our grandmoms aren’t like that at all?

Yeah. Seriously.

Truer words have never been spoken. 

Today, Grammy turns 70 years old and I know she is a bit mortified by the milestone.  They say that 70 is the new 60, but I don’t buy it.  Spending time with my mother-in-law is like hanging out with a girlfriend, which makes 70 the new 40.  I can only hope that someday when I am a grandma (God willing), I can pull off 70 with the same fun, energy and grace that she does.

Grammy, far right, and the "fam"

Grammy, far right, and the "fam"

What ever happened to that sedentary, grey-haired grandmother from yesteryear?   It would be easy to say that scientifc advances in hair color treatment have rendered these creatures extinct.  But it’s more than the hair.  Today’s grandparents got game.   For her birthday today, Grammy wants to take the boys to drive golf balls, maybe do a little shopping, and spend the evening ripping into lobsters. At some point, she will check her email.  And as far the teetotalling granny stereotype, fuggedaboudit.  Our grammy can always be counted on to pose the question everybody wants asked:  “Is it too early for a glass of wine?”  

While Dave and I are truly blessed to have parents who remain young at heart, our boys are the real beneficiaries. Grammy slips into their worlds easily, asking relevant questions and engaging them in their favorite activities. She will not let them win at Dominoes, Monopoly or Wii bowling.  The boys often tire before she does.  And yet she remains traditional in one grandmotherly sense:  she still stocks her kitchen with their favorite foods – and makes sure they eat enough.   That trait is a keeper.
If 70 is the new 50, then 40 is the new 20 which brings me to another very special birthday girl today.  My oldest friend Lisa is 42.  We met as toddlers and have shared (gulp) 40 years of growing up together.   She, too, is an inspiration for staying young. 

Just two weeks ago, Lisa ran her first 5 miler, outside in the cold, and kicked some serious butt.  By that I mean, her mile pace was faster than Dave’s!  (Sorry, hon I needed to make some comparison.  I still think you are VERY fast.)

My oldest friend

So there are many women in their 40s who run.  Big deal, right?  But growing up shall we say that Lisa never embraced her inner athlete?  We shall.  Maybe she didnt have the self assurance to do sports; maybe she didnt have the competitive drive. But I can say with complete confidence that today she could beat all us former athletes in a race.  Lisa didn’t have to run in the cold; she didn’t have to run at all.  But jeesh – she did and at 42 she has reinvented who she is!  I am so proud of her.  (Now I just have to get her to start writing and my work will be done. Hint, Hint)

Friday’s mantra:  You are only as old as you allow yourself to be.  It’s corny and overused – but you know what?  It’s the truth.

Happy Birthday to two amazing women who humble me in their ability to stay forever young.   Grammy, Lis –  if you suddenly hear someone behind you, don’t be alarmed. That would be me trying to follow in your footsteps.

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