For those of you who think that Halloween has become too commercial and has lost it’s luster as the fright night it was intended to be, think again. Halloween today is more bloodcurdling than ever… that is if you are the parents.
Evil Torture Chamber: Where you start to think you are after spending any period of time longer than 25 seconds inside the Halloween Superstore.
High Suspense: The 45 minute period from 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. during which time you are trying to feed the little monsters some semblance of dinner prior to letting them loose on the neighborhood.
The Chills: What every mother gets as she is dressing her kids to go out in the cold night air causing her to “ruin everything” by insisting on some sort of insulation.
Creepy: The feeling that overwhelms you when your son proudly shows you that he still has candy from last year in his Halloween bag.
Anxiety: The first year your kids want to trick or treat COMPLETELY alone. For the record that means NOT walking a few houses behind, NOT telling them to stop running NOT reminding them to say trick or treat and thank you and NOT forbidding them to go to the “good “ houses more than once.
Haunted: How you feel upon seeing grown women (a.k.a other Moms) trick or treating with their kids and dressed up as “sexy” pirates, cocktail waitresses, Playboy bunnies or Snooki.
Piercing Primal Screams: What comes out of most moms mouths when tying to get their children who are totally sugared up to go to bed at 10:30 because remember IT’S A SCHOOL NIGHT!!!!!!!
Gory Violence: Precisely what the older brother threatens the younger brother with should he even think of swiping one of his 35 Reses Peanut Butter cups.
Gruesome Grossness: How you personally feel after consuming 1,017 candy corn after your kids go to bed.
Spooked: As you are about to fall asleep , after all the hoopla is over for another year, you realize you only have a handful of Halloweens left before your kids are too old for it.