Continuing my mission to ruin teenage lives, I decided that Hugh should not see the R-rated movie “Wanted” over the weekend or ever, for that matter. Because 17-year-old Ian had already shown me the Russian trailer (even more explicit than the American one) on YouTube, I knew what this motion picture was about. Sexolence. Violex. Even without seeing the trailer, you know that if Angelina Jolie is involved, it’s not Disney fare. Even if she is a Mother of Brothers.
And thus, when Hugh was invited to see “Wanted” with a friend and the friend’s dad, Chris and I agreed to exercise our parental controls and nix the whole idea. Hugh was outraged. “I’ve already seen 300!” “Yes, that’s too bad. We wish you hadn’t seen that. At least we can stop you from seeing Wanted.” A few hours went by, and another call came in from another friend inviting Hugh to see “Wanted.” He really wanted “Wanted,” but with resignation, he turned down the second invitation.
Then he played outside with Malcolm and a gang of friends all day. The weather was beautiful. It was free. He’s 13.