When Jennifer and I were first scheming about MoB we were quite smitten with our little twosome because we are “the same” but “different”.  We are the same in that we are mothers of boys, work in PR, and like/hate the exact same types of people (we know this from our monthly marketing meetings which quickly descend into glorious but petty gossip sessions about the meaning of life and God).  But we are probably different in most every other way, which we in the PR world call “complementary”.

Case in point, earlier this month Jennifer posted about her lovely garden  which she and Chris have tended to this year with obvious success. 

 My goal this year is not to kill the flowers I bought. 

It’s not going so well in that regard.  Exhibit A:

 brown thumb1 

This is the flower pot (that I planted with loving care a few weekends back) which I recently ran over in my mini-van.  I won’t bore you with the specifics, but suffice it to say it was so totally the flower pot’s fault.

BUT, lucky for the flowers, I was walking the boys to school yesterday morning and someone was throwing away a PERFECTLY GOOD crappy flower pot which I snatched up when I prayed no one was looking was on my way home.  Don’t ever let those flowers tell you I don’t care!


Dave, of course, is much more committed to gardening.  He bought trestles and flowering, climbing greens that will take years to mature but then again, he is the patient one in this relationship.


He purchased this particular beauty above.  It’s called “Clematis” which upon learning it’s name I couldn’t help but point out the obvious:  It sounds like a venereal disease.  Boy did I have a good ol’ time with this!

Boys, don’t play near the CLEMATIS you might get itchy!

Hon, that CLEMATIS is really pretty.  Can we get some low lying syphilis to go next to it?

You may want to stay away from my husband; he just got CLEMATIS from a guy at the garden center!

Whoever said gardening isn’t exciting and fun has never been to my house.  I think it’s all in the attitude. 

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