I admit it, I watched every minute of the PBS series on The Merry Windsors the other night, and I can’t wait for the next installments.  One detail about the Queen that wasn’t shared:  when in her private chambers, she prefers to eat her cereal from a shabby old Tupperware container.  This news flash came from an undercover tattletale journalist the Palace once hired as butler.  Watching the Queen’s public life of soirees and stunning state dinners made me think “Apart from the Tupperware in both our kitchens, we have NOTHING in common.”

But then it struck me that we do have another common bond.  Watching Prince Philip walk – ALWAYS -at a respectful distance behind his wife reminded me of the protocol observed by my high school  sons.  When they are successful at begging a ride from me (which is far more often than I care to admit), it never fails:  I drop them off, and Ian immediately shoots ahead, leaving Hugh in the dust.  God forbid they be seen walking into the halls of judgment together.

Nostalgic for the days when Ian and Hugh toddled around holding hands, I was feeling sad that they’ve grown apart.  But then I started noticing other brothers arriving at the high school, and the pattern holds.  Always, Big Brother strides ahead, trying to look like he’s alone.  Younger Brother trots apologetically along, way behind, cognizant of the unwritten rule that you do NOT destroy your older brother’s birthright to school cred. 

 Primogeniture is not dead!  Which brings me back to the Windsors:  Happy birthday to Prince Charles, 60 today.  His mother is giving him a birthday party at the palace.  Musical thrones and paper crowns?  I only wish THAT footage could be spliced into the PBS series.


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