This is one of the hardest things I have had to do.  But I need a break.  These past few months I have dreaded Sunday mights when I have had to sit down and write a post for Monday.  Blogging has become an assignment, a chore, and something that I am currently not enjoying.  And I think it shows in my writing.  As I started to write last night about the Fun. concert we attended on Friday night with the boys (it was more than just Fun.) I re-read my words and thought that they were crap.  Whether they were or not is not important.  What matters is that this is not a desired core emotion for me.  And I need to start listening to myself a little better.

On the flip side, I love being a blogger.  I love sharing my thoughts with a lovely group of dedicated readers.  And I love when something I write resonates with just one person.  Blogging keeps my writing muscle strong — and I am able to submit pieces to other outlets with a broader audience which is also a win.  And I am terrified that if I stop – I may never start again.  But if that happens – that is what is meant to be.  However, I don’t think it will.  As I type these words this morning, I am tearing up just thinking about any kind of end to MoB.

So my plan is to see you in September again on these pages — renewed, re-energized, and re-focused on the writing which I really love.  Thank you so much for checking back with me then.

xxoo Emily


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