Today’s post is a bit of this and that. Permit me some random musings.
First, who could resist a scholarly work by Dr. Willy on The Illustrated Book of Sex?
This 60-year-old tome happened to be donated to our public library, where it failed to find a buyer in the book sale, though it was a bargain at 50 cents. Obviously, many people found Dr. Willy resistable. I found him, and the illustrations in his book, fascinating.
His prose is purple, the art alternately warlike and dreamlike. Dr. Willy’s profundities on the vas deferens between men and women is oddly compelling. He expounds upon Tragic Wedding Nights, frigidity, and the ancient belief in the rejuvenating effect of young virgins upon old men. “Naturally, this effect is only possible if the capacity to react to sexual stimulation is still present.” This was written in 1949, well before Viagra came along.
Of course, I saved the book from the trash heap of history and put it on etsy, where it sold for $44.00. You’ve gotta love this site, where the members trend younger, hipper, craftier than eBay. It’s a community that appreciates amazing old stuff. And our library gets a lot of money, instead of two quarters.
Here’s the link:
I’ve given Jay two chances now and both have fallen flat. Why is his show not funny?
Has anybody watched Hoarders? I’ve seen a lot of buzz about it on other blogs, and yesterday I heard a reporter raving about how hooked she is on it. I’ll have to ask one of the boys to DVR it for me. Because I don’t know how to DVR, as a verb, or how to use the DVR, as a noun.