I couldn’t decide last night whether to share my thoughts today on Noah’s potty mouth that he has inherited from yours truly or his inability to lift a finger when it’s time for housework.  Both were such uplifting topics, I just couldn’t choose!  So I sat at my computer grousing and surfing only to discover that Sesame Street turns 40 years old this week.  It debuted when I was one.  I watched it. Dave watched it.  Our boys watched it.  You all watched it.  I don’t think there is another show in existence that was so genuine in its endeavors, so pure of heart, and so cool in approach that it is beyond critique.  I mean who has ever pissed on Sesame Street?  No one.  Because it’s perfect.

I know how you feel Sesame Street.  I turned 40 last year.  It was scary but you know what?  I think I had one of my best years ever!  In honor of your 40 years, here are three of my favorite clips.  With each one my heart swells for different reasons.  For loss.  For love.  And for the funnest song of ALL TIME!!!!!  Happy Birthday.

If this does not put a lump in your throat, I suggest a blood test to see if you are actually human.

Laughter, silliness, learning, forgiveness — all wrapped up into one.

This was the orginal baby, from 1969.  Warning:  This song will be in your head ALL day – but that’s not a bad thing at all.

So what are your favorite clips from Sesame Street?  Send links (there is an entire YouTube library of these puppies).  Share a  little.

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