The #1 TV news station in Philadelphia is Action News, which begins its newscast with a list of some of the big events of the day.  After reeling those off, the anchor finishes with “But the BIG STORY on Action News tonight is…” It’s almost always a murder, a fire, or a crash.

I imagine that even Action News had to admit, in last night’s newscast, that the Big Story was The Snow. The White Stuff. The Frosted Flakes that Fell from Above. We are getting slammed with snow, more snow, and yet more snow, with predictions of more snow in the middle of next week.

Hugh even took his skis to a neighbor’s steep hill and tried building a few jumps.

Malcolm and lots of other kids ended up going to school, even though it was a snow day, because our high school is situated on a big hill – sledding nirvana.

My snow experience mostly consisted of shoveling, which I stupidly did without wearing gloves, thinking I was going outside only to move the car around the driveway. Upon arrival outdoors, however, I realized what a Herculean job clearing the driving path was going to be. So I grabbed the third shovel and helped the boys. Note to self: never skip the gloves again.

Snow days are great. Traffic on our busy road becomes almost nonexistent, except for plows. The phone doesn’t ring much. You can take time to do weekend-y things, like cook a big lunch, read the paper (if it arrives) cover to cover, and take a nap, all guilt-free.  And play around with Hipstamatic on the iPhone, as Chris did to get today’s photo.   Facebook fills up with pictures of all kinds of snow activity from all your local friends.

Today, the schools are opening on a two-hour delay. Hugh and I are going away on separate ski trips tonight. More snow is expected to fall next week.

I say, let it.

Enjoy your weekend!

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