The month of May brings with it an endless stream of field trips, art shows, school celebrations and music recitals.  Last night we were treated to Chase’s Spring Band Concert.  Tonight, we will enjoy Noah’s Band and Chorus Extravaganza.  I am extremely relieved that I am in town all week and will not miss a moment of these performances.  As a child, I remember the feeling of anxiously searching the audience for my parents. And when I saw them sitting there, my heart would sigh happily knowing that love was out there watching me.

There was plenty o’ love packed into the elementary chaseband 2school gymnasium last night.  It was a standing room only crowd, with every Mom and Dad craning their necks to see their darlings play for just a few moments, only to hightail it out of there once their portion was done.  Our school district has an outstanding music program, and it begins in the elementary school with most children choosing some sort of instrument once they reach third grade.

It is here where I have an embarrassing confession to make:  When it came time for Noah and Chase to pick their instruments, I went completely sexist and encouraged instruments for them that I deemed manly enough for my pre-pubescent sons.  Large brass instruments and percussions were for boys; skinny winds were for girls. 

Trumpet, trombone, sax and drums = boys 

Flutes, piccolos, clarinets = girls

At first Noah expressed some interest in the clarinet which, while not as emasculating as the piccolo, could be considered borderline feminine.   We managed to channel his interest into the saxophone.  Chase, being the boy’s boy that he is, went percussion from the get go.  Looking back, I am rather ashamed that I felt the way I did.  I worried that a boy who plays the flute might get stuffed into a locker years down the line. Back in my day, they probably did.  But looking at the mix of boys and girls playing all instruments last night, I saw that my worst fears were unfounded.  In our school district, being in the band is cool – no matter what you play.

Speaking of playing, Chase dominated on percussion.  Before we left to head up to the concert, I asked him which instruments he was going to play.

“I play a bunch of them,” he replied.

“Bass drum?  Snare?” I pressed further.

“Yep – all of those.”

“Well, which is your favorite then?”

“My manly wind chime solo,” he deadpanned.

But he wasn’t kidding.  My boy plays a wicked wind chime.  And, as it turned out, it was my favorite too. 


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