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There comes a time in a young man’s life when he must learn the lessons of his elders… when he must embrace the unwritten laws of the family no matter how difficult they are to comprehend… when he must test his mettle and choose between that which beckons from his heart and that which speaks from his mind.  That time has come for young Chase.  The day has arrived when he must accept the fact that he can’t wear the same grey hoodie, Unabomber style to school every single day.

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He has resisted until now, employing the ancient strategies used by his forefathers and the fathers before them, in perfect sequence.

  1. Ignore the mother
  2. Deny the transgression
  3. Conceal the offensive garment
  4. Seek solidarity with the father
  5. Employ a rapid morning exodus
  6. Ignore the mother again
  7. Cry
  8. Gather strength from peers
  9. Find fault with other garments
  10. Admit defeat

As has it has been, as it will always be, the mother emerges, battered but victorious.  It is a hollow triumph, but a triumph nonetheless.  Her road is long, her battles are many as she moves on to her next challenge… her next overworn hoodie… and the place from where the obsession was born.

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