I feel a little guilty NOT posting about the brothers’ first days of school, but honestly you will be hearing so much about my their issues around school as the year progresses that I’m already over it.  Plus every blogger is writing about “back to school” so we at MoB are being counter intuitive. Yeah, that’s it.

So I know many of you are mortified by interested in this Isagenix cleanse that Dave and I started on Tuesday.  I myself am completely fascinated by the process.. which appears to be working already.  They say you are not supposed to weigh yourself everyday BUT c’mon!  I am drinking 100 oz of water each day, substituting shakes for meals, and downing niacin and chromium pills – -and those are the easy days!  I want to see how all that is going for me.  Consider the conversation as Dave and I had yesterday morning as we met in the kitchen to prepare our “breakfasts”:

Me: Hey.  I have a splitting headache.

Dave:  Me, too.

Me: I lost 3 pounds yesterday.

Dave:  I lost 4.

Dueling smiles.  High fives.

Headaches notwithstanding, you can choose to have fun with the program. For instance, I have taken an immediate fondness to asking Dave about his nuts.

You leaving hon?  Don’t forget your nuts!

I’m hungry.  Can I have one of your nuts?

You’re warming your nuts?  I like mine room temperature.

Everyone stay away from Mommy’s nuts!!

I think the ketosis is turning me into a 12 year old boy. Or maybe it’s the nuts.

Tuesday night as my body was still adjusting, my stomach was growling so loud as I lay in bed that the dog started barking at it.  I haven’t had this much fun since we used to watch my pregnant belly morph as the boys rolled and stretched inside.

And we get cheerleaders!  I have gotten a call each day from 1 of 2 mentors assigned to my cleanse.  I like talking to them because they ask me how I am doing and encourage me to keep going.  Dave does not like talking to them, which is fine by me because I can tell by the sounds of their voices that they are beautiful women with golden blond hair who wear size 0 and have perfect spray tans.  Carrie and Robin, if you are reading this and you need to fess up that you are really 700 pound Neanderthal women with beards, its ok. I’m here for you.

Today we start two days of a liquid diet.  If we get hungry, we can have two almonds every 90 minutes or so.   I’m sure two little nuts will never look so good again.  (Tee, Hee)

Dave and His Nuts (What a Sport!)


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