Today is Friday – which is “respond to something in the news” day at Mothers of Brothers.

Looking back at news of the past week, there have been some highlights.  I actually followed orders on Wednesday on someone else’s blog.  The first line was “You should totally make this for dinner tonight.” 

In a hypnotic trance, I announced to a stunned Chris that I was making dinner (a very rare occurrence around here, almost as uncommon as unearthing the sewing basket), then drove to the seafood store (shrimp), the vegetable store (broccoli and lemon) and Trader Joe’s (bread).  I couldn’t stand to pay an extra $10 for the already peeled and de-veined shrimp so I did that myself.  The results were excellent.  We can highly recommend Melissa Clark’s roasted brocolli and shrimp – fast and scrumptious.

And this report was also in the news a few days ago.  No action needed - that was done when the boys were newborns.

We clearly have a president who is of the people, for the people, and sitting by the people.  I just wonder when it will be our turn.  Maybe we should invite the Obamas to our community variety show next year. 





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