I start today’s post off with an apology.  I’m sorry to all the readers who I have left yawning tapping their fingershanging on the edge of their seats waiting to hear how certain situations which I have written about here at MoB have turned out.  More often than not I focus in on the humor, emotion or irony of some small sliver of my life with the hope that some readers will relate to the moment or event.  I move on in real life, but rarely return here for an update.  so if you are part of my real life, this post may be a bit redundant (until the end), but here are a few follow-ups from the summer:

My burnt heel blistered and healed within a week.  At least the skin did. My ego will never be the same and the plantar fasciitis remains.  I have received two new pieces of advice, one which came from the back of the National Enquirer magazine (via former colleague Mike A) and the other from the author/blogger of Chi Running (via Liz C).  The latter intrigues me because it involves hurting yourself first to get some relief.  And apparently I am really good at that.  I probably need to see a real doctor at this point.

After making it to the top 15 finalists for Delco Idol Junior, Noah competed in the finals on August 8.  That same night, the top 5 kids went on to sing a second song for the title.  Noah did not make it into the top 5, which did not surprise me.  He preformed very well but it really was a contest for theater kids which I think he will never be.  He was completely gracious in his defeat – if you could call it that.  And as always, I was more proud with how he handled losing than any one of his wins.  It was a cool experience all around and I give kudos to the Media Theatre for making it that way.

On our vacation to California this summer when I was worried Dave and I wouldn’t have anything to talk about, we did indeed have many interesting exchanges – thanks to my 10 prepared questions to get things going.  I asked (and he answered) 8 out of the 10.  We never got to number 9 and since things were going so swimmingly, I decided not to be stupid and ask number 7.  And I did learn a number of things about him that I never knew.  He will never be a vegetarian or a Republican.  And I know who he wants me to marry if he should ever bite the big one.  And I mean exactly who.  Fascinating.

Last but certainly not least – last week’s survey.  You like us!  You really like us!!  Well, at least the 44 people who took the time to answer the four questions we asked.  We found out that 68 percent of you are “OK ” if we cut back our posting by a day or two.  But… 16 sixteen percent urged us not to cut back.  But… another 16 percent don’t care that much at all.  And thirty two percent read 5 days a week!  Wow – we thought only our parents did that!  Thirty percent are three day people.  Most (66 percent) of you come directly to MoB or through a bookmark or favorites button.  Twenty sevent percent find us through Facebook.  No one comes over via Twitter.  (Follow us!  @emilymendell or @callmejasper)  Most readers (46 percent) do not want any more emails.  We don’t blame you.  But 27 percent would welcome an email so we may look into it as an option.

Taking what the survey told us – and what is on our hearts and on our “to-do” lists these days — we have decided  to continue with new material every day.  We love that you love reading new stuff.  We are a little addicted to the fame and fortune love we feel from our regular readers and thrill we get when a new reader comes on board.   But, so that we don’t go completely cuckoo, expect something a little different each Friday starting next week.  Something not as time consuming for us (hopefully) but just as fun for our readers (again, hopefully).

So that’s how it ends – at least this week.  A great weekend to all MoB readers!   See you Monday!

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